Sunday, February 27, 2011

Most Expensive Supercomputer in the US 2011

2:40 AM

Most Expensive Supercomputer in the US 2011Most Expensive Supercomputer in the US 2011. IBM’s BlueGene/L machine is both the fastest and most expensive supercomputer ever built in the United States. It was built at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California. The supercomputer is built from 64 racks of Blue Gene servers, each of which contains 1,024 700MHz dual-core PowerPC processors. A profile of the Cray CX1 desktop supercomputer. As of October 2008, the most expensive desktop computer in the world.

Specifications listed on LLNL’s website about their BlueGene/L system
are as follows:

  • 65,536 compute nodes, each targeted for 2.8 GFlop/s peak
  • Chip multiprocessor with 4MB L3 cache on chip
  • High-bandwidth low-latency 3D torus and combining tree networks
  • 32 terabytes of memory
  • High-performance kernel on compute nodes, Linux on I/O nodes
  • Hardware support for Message Passing Interface collectives

BlueGene/L currently tops the TOP500 Supercomputer Sites list with a Linpack performance benchmark of 280.6 TFlop/s.

IBM sells a single 1,024 processor BlueGene rack for approximately $2,000,000. The BlueGene/L supercomputer was built by IBM for the DoE along with the ASCI Purple supercomputer that benchmarks at 63.39 TFlop/s as part of a $290,000,000 contract. The supercomputers will both be used for nuclear weapons simulations.

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Most Expensive Supercomputer in the US 2011

Supercomputers are the fastest and most expensive computers in the World.

They can cost over a hundred million pounds to build and very few organisations can afford to purchase one. They are mainly used by large universities who do a lot of research projects such as scientific research, weather modelling etc and by large organisations such as pharmaceutical companies for drug research or by the military for weapons research.

Whilst supercomputers are working, they generate so much heat that they need to be housed in specifically designed rooms with environmental controls and air conditioning systems. It is vital that the atmosphere is kept free of dust particles and special filters are used to keep the air clean.

Most Expensive Supercomputer in the US 2011

There may be many miles of cables which connect the computer to various peripherals. In order to hide the cables, false floors and ceilings are often needed.

Supercomputers usually need their own back up electricity generator to ensure that they can continue to work even when there is a power failure.

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